MAHEFA – MAlagasy HEalthy FAmilies

In 2011 Transaid became a partner in a large USAID funded project, working with JSI Training and Research Institute, Inc. and The Manoff Group to reach out to the communities in northern and western Madagascar. The diversity of topography and climate creates profound challenges to accessing health care and social and economic development.

The USAID-funded Madagascar Community-Based Integrated Health Project (CBIHP), known locally as MAHEFA, is a five-year health program that is providing basic, quality health care to isolated populations in six north and northwestern regions of Madagascar (DIANA, SAVA, Sofia, Menabe, Boeny and Melaky). The program’s overarching goal is to increase the use of proven, community-based interventions and essential products among underserved populations of Madagascar. Activities focus on improving access to and use of an integrated package of maternal, newborn, and child health services, family planning, and improving safe water, hygiene, and sanitation. The program is known for innovative solutions to reaching remote communities, documented improvements in community health, and collaborative work with local NGOs, the Malagasy Ministry of Health, civil society organizations, and community leaders.

Since the inception of the project Transaid has been researching and assessing transport needs of remote communities as well as interviewing community health workers in order to design relevant transport options that will improve their access to those communities.