RHA’s Run For Transaid

Join Richard Burnett (Chief Executive, Road Haulage Association) in running for Transaid!

Between Monday 12th and Sunday 18th April 2021, Richard Burnett will be hosting a virtual run for Transaid, raising money for our vital road safety and access to healthcare programmes in Africa- are you up to the challenge?

Whether you’re an avid runner, or just looking for an excuse to get out in the fresh spring air, you can join the challenge by running as far as you can for a great cause. Get on the road or to your local park and get running in pairs*, small teams or by yourself. All participants will have seven days to get active, and then submit their longest run by Wednesday 21st April 2021.

Richard Burnett has pledged to run an incredible 26.2 miles, the distance between his local area and RHA’s new Custom Brokerage Office in Birkenhead!

Richard Burnett visiting Transaid’s projects in Zambia, 2019

To enter, simply:

Step 1) Plan your route, decide how far you would like to run and get training.

Step 2) Create your JustGiving page (link here). You can create an individual page or a joint one. We suggest connecting your Strava page(s) to your JustGiving page so that you can easily submit details of your furthest run, along with pictures and videos of your progress! Guidance on how to connect Strava to JustGiving can be found here, or if you prefer you can simply update your JustGiving page with details on your furthest run.

You can use Transaid’s sponsorship form to track your fundraising, and challenge yourself by getting sponsored per mile completed. For those running less than 10 miles we suggest raising at least £50, and for those running more than 10 miles we suggest raising at least £100.

Step 3) Get active, and submit your furthest run to your Just Giving page by Wednesday 21st April.

Please email Events@Transaid.org if you have any questions or need assistance.

COVID-19 has created unprecedented disruption worldwide. In the last 12 months, we found that 84% of health facilities they surveyed in rural Zambia reported stock-outs of essential medicines attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Transaid has risen to the challenges posed in order to overcome both these new and existing issues.

In Zambia the proven MAMaZ Against Malaria at Scale programme has been adapted to tackle COVID-19 as well as malaria. By March 2021, over 3,250 Community Health Volunteers across 10 districts had received a RAS (a key medicine in tackling severe malaria) and community mobilisation training from their MAM@Scale programme, and had been equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) in order to safeguard themselves and their local communities.

In Uganda, Transaid has launched a project to protect HGV drivers from COVID-19. Transaid is working with local partners to roll out driver specific safety advice and providing hand-washing facilities, cab sanitisation guidelines, and PPE.

What your help could fund:

  • £12 could buy the materials to install eight tippy taps, to equip four communities with two hand washing facilities
  • £60 could buy PPE and run COVID-19 sensitisation sessions for ten truck drivers
  • £100 could buy locally produced facemasks for 100 community health volunteers in Zambia
  • £120 could buy a strong bicycle for a health worker, enabling doctors and nurses to reach more communities every day
  • £240 could buy 800 doses of RAS (pre-referral anti-malarial drug, buying a sick child an extra 12 hours to reach a health facility)

Running for Transaid to raise funds and awareness, for well-being and to remember that global solutions are needed for global problems has never been so critical!

*As per government COVID-19 guidelines