Manual: eBox Management Guidelines (Malagasy)

The USAID Community Capacity for Health program is an integrated community health program funded by USAID for five years (June 2016- June 2021). The program, Mahefa Miaraka, is implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., in partnership with FHI 360, Transaid, and Action Socio-Organization Secours (ASOS), and in close collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health.

The eBox initiative follows a social enterprise approach and generates income as a bicycle workshop which sells and repairs second-hand bicycles. The eBoxes were introduced to respond to gaps in the bicycle sales and repairs market, and focus on building local skills amongst community members to ensure a long lasting impact.

This ‘Complete Simplified Manual’ has been developed to provide guidance to all those associated with managing and operating the eBox. It provides information on the roles and responsibilities of those associated with the eBox including the Board of Directors and eBox staff. An abridged version of this manual is also available, which focuses on essential tasks for eBox staff members.

Click below to download the full manuals in Malagasy.

H30. ETS Training Curricula (Malagasy)

Community-Based Integrated Health Program (CBIHP), localement dénommé MAHEFA, est un programme de santé communautaire intégré financé par l’USAID pour cinq ans (2011-2016). Le programme a été mis en oeuvre par JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), en partenariat avec Transaid et The Manoff Group, et en étroite collaboration avec le Ministère de la Santé Publique, le Ministère de l’Eau, de l’Assainissement et de l’Hygiène et le Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports. Il a été réalisé dans six régions du nord et du nord-ouest de Madagascar (Menabe, SAVA, DIANA, Sofia, Melaky et Boeny).

Lohahevitra 1 – Fitantanana  ny bisikileta

Lohahevitra 2 – Fikojakojana sy fanamboarana bisikileta

Taranja 2 – Fikojakojana sy fanamboarana ny roue

Taranja 3 – Fikojakojana ny direction

Taranja 4 – Fikojakojana ny transmission