Transport Management System Training for the Ghana Health Service

This final report summarises the preparation activities, the content of the training, and the conclusions and recommendations that emerged from a 4 day training workshop held in Accra, Ghana in May 2014. Funded by UKaid through the Africa Community Access Programme, the training workshop was organised by Transaid and the Ghana Health Service (GHS) and brought together GHS Transport Managers representing all of Ghana’s 10 regions as well as participants from wider organisations with a role in transport management. This workshop provided participants with a unique opportunity to share and exchange varied experiences and improve on existing transport management practices. The training was designed according to the stated priorities given by the GHS with a view to building capacity and making maximum use of the full 4 days’ worth of training. The training revealed a growing appetite amongst Transport Managers for training opportunities with participants showing a particular desire to cascade the knowledge that they learnt during the training workshop to their colleagues and respective staff teams. The workshop proposed the implementation of a number of systems to improve the effectiveness of transport management, and linked to this, a number of recommendations have emerged and are noted in this report.