H32. Operational Vehicle Placement Tool (District Level)

This tool is to be used to help decide the optimal placement of vehicles at district level and should be used as part of overall vehicle operational management. The tool helps health teams justify the positioning of new health vehicles using a series of criteria such as distance, terrain, communications coverage and catchment population.  It was originally designed for placement of motorcycle ambulances as part of a Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) maternal health programme but it can be adapted depending on need.


CHAI, with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) is implementing a health system strengthening programme to reduce maternal and new-born mortality in 14 districts in Muchinga, Northern and Luapula Provinces, Zambia. The programme aims to strengthen four key health system weaknesses; the skills of providers through training and mentorship; the availability of equipment in facilities; the use of data to improve service delivery and the improvement of the referral system.