John Snow, Incorporated
JSI support Transaid to design and test innovative solutions for emergency transportation, community logistics, and community health worker mobility in remote areas.
Between 2011 and 2016 Transaid has been part of a consortium formed of John Snow Research and Training, Inc. as the lead, and Transaid and The Manoff Group as Consortium parterns to deliver an integrated Community Based Integrated Health Programme.
The Community-Based Integrated Health Program (CBIHP) or MAHEFA (Malagasy HenikynyFahasalamana) is a five year 5 USAID-funded project. The overall purpose of the programme is to reduce maternal, child, and new-born mortality and fertility and malnutrition rates through expansion of USAID/Madagascar’s HPN program to reach underserved populations living in rural and difficult to reach areas of the northern and western regions of Madagascar.
The overall objective of the programme is: To increase the use of proven, community‐based interventions (MNCH, FP/RH ‐including STI prevention‐ water, hygiene and sanitation, prevention and treatment of malaria, nutrition) and essential products among underserved populations in 6 northern and western regions of Madagascar. The three key result areas are:
Result 1: Increase demand for high-quality health services and products
Result 2: Increase the availability of high-impact health services and products
Result 3: Improve the quality of care delivered by community-based health practitioners