RS55. Drivers’ Walk Around Checks – HGV and PSV

Drivers Daily Walk Around Checks are a vital component in promoting road safety; ensuring that the vehicle is fit to go on the road each day is the responsibility of the driver.  As a routine, the driver should check the vehicle each day to ensure that components/parts are in a safe, functional condition, will operate correctly and will not cause a danger to anyone.  These posters highlight what should be checked on a daily basis and should become a routine for all drivers to conduct at the start of their period of duty.  The posters are complemented by a defect report form on which he/she can itemise the faults found and bring them to the attention of the supervisor and/or engineering staff in order for them to be dealt with and the vehicle being made roadworthy prior to its use. One poster is for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) and the other is for Passenger Service Vehicles (PSV).

Remember:  A safe driver driving an unroadworthy vehicle is a dangerous driver!